Employee Volunteering Program at Citi Handlowy was launched in 2005. Since then, volunteers engaged more than 33,000 times, helping 382,000 people. According to survey conducted by The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation, the most popular choice of project type is working for children. Donating blood is also popular among Citi Handlowy volunteers.
Citi Handlowy and Citi Subsidiaries employees are offered a range of opportunities for volunteering for community organizations or local self-governments. Many design their own original projects for collective or individual volunteering.
Among the most important projects are:
- Citi Community Day, an annual event with volunteers implementing around original community projects in several dozen locations throughout Poland;
- Innovative employee integration off-sites combined with volunteer work, the first of this kind Poland. Rather than waging paintball battles, employees renovate education centres, build playgrounds or take care of animals;
- Involvement in the Foundation's financial education programmes for children and youth;
- Regular charity projects for the inmates of children's homes in Równe, Julin, Dębniki and Rawa Mazowiecka; including Christmas events organized as a part of Santa's Assistants program;
The Foundation cooperates with the Volunteer Centre Association enjoying the official title of Friend of Volunteering.
GCD (mentioned above) is one of the most renowned volunteering action in Poland. Every year it is organized all over the world, wherever Citi is present. In the sixteenth edition of the campaign (GCD) in 2021 in Poland, #CitiVolunteers with friends and family members got involved 2,234 times, implementing 79 projects and helping over 14,000 recipients.