Under the Grant Program, our oldest original initiative, we annually finance dozens of non-profit initiatives countrywide. We provide financial assistance to pro-bono programs in education and local development in the following program areas:
- Innovations in education
- Economic education
- Cultural heritage and tradition
- Artistic activity of children and young people
Local development
- Healthcare priorities
- Social policy
- Teaching entrepreneurship
Our program framework, financing formula and grant-giving procedure developed over many years of operations has brought us the reputation of one of the largest and highest-rated non-governmental organizations in Poland and an unquestionable leader among corporate foundations.
The Foundation monitors the submission of operational and financial reports from the application of its grants. We also perform regular control visits to check whether projects that received the Foundation's grants are executed correctly and truthfully, in terms of budgeting as well as their content.
Every grant-taker is obliged under contract and grant-taking rules to apply the grant in accordance with the rules and to submit reports in compliance with the forms attached to the grant contract.
At control visits the Foundation's controller checks whether a grant was applied in accordance with the contract and the grant-taker is obliged to resent complete financial and operational documentation to prove that the project was executed as in grant application. Institutions that received grants from the Foundation are also obliged to store full documentation for five years from the date of grant approval.
Results of the control visit are recorded on a special Grant Monitoring Card. In case of any irregularities or reservations on the part of the Foundation's controller in reference to the application of the grant, the grant-taker is obliged to submit a written explanation to the Foundation's office by the date assigned by the controller. Failure to submit required documents results in a reminder from the Foundation and eventually in the Foundation demanding the grant to be returned. Organizations that received more than one grant and those, whose reports differ from preliminary estimates are the first to be controlled.
Grant application reports and control reports are analysed by the Foundation's Auditing Committee.